9: A Kid in Monk's Clothing

I was 18 years old. I was a good kid, smart and fiercely dedicated to serving God too, but still just a kid. A teenager! I had graduated from Kellenberg High School so recently, I hadn't even gotten my yearbook yet, but suddenly I'm posing for pictures with my friends and family members wearing "the suit". Welcome back to the blog! If you're just joining me here for the first time, please click the title at the top to go anywhere you want. I'm telling this story in chronological order for the most part, but you can start reading the blog entries anywhere you'd like, including this one right here. Since my closest friends at the time had just graduated from Chaminade High School, and they were all taught by the same men I now lived with, prayed with, ate with, and even drank with, this situation was unique to say the least. They'd seen these monks day in and day out for the last four years of their lives, always dressed in the same simple black s...